
Obiectivul specific al proiectului este de a dezvolta un puternic instrument digital de simulare multi-nivel functionand in timp-real pentru sisteme de propulsie electrica, fuzionand modele performante de simulare proiectate in diferite medii software, construite in concept EMR (reprezentare macroscopica energetica), într-o aplicatie care ruleaza pe computere industriale, oferind capacitatea de tranzitie directa de la modelul in timp-real (RT-MiL) la testarea experimentala (HiL).


The outcome of the project will consist in a complete multi-level functional real-time simulation and HiL testing tool for EV propulsion drive validated via simulation and experimental measurements. The platform will have its user manual explaining the mathematical model of each assembly and its list of parameters function of the level of complexity, the listed standards for inter-connections and the steps when approaching the seamless transition from simulation to HiL.

The results will be disseminated targeting 2 IEEE conferences, 2 open source ISI journals and 1 open source book chapter.

A free of charge 2 days training addressed to students from UTCN, focusing on the concept of Digital-Twin, Multi-Level simulation and EMR model organization using MULTILEVEL as theoretical, simulated and experimental demonstrator.